In 2020, COVID-19 turned the world as we know it upside down. Much of society has had to pivot their former brick and mortar processes: restaurant dining is now takeout, business interactions are now online meetings, and education is now highly virtual. Because of the vast changes, many high school students are finding it difficult to maintain the same level of community and school involvement. Extracurricular activities are important for college applications, so we have compiled a list of ways students can remain involved in activities virtually.

1. Start Fundraising for Nonprofits

Organizations all over the world rely on outside support to stay afloat, and many fundraising campaigns are done virtually through social media. This is a great way for students to impact the community at large while still boosting their resumes. However, it should be noted that students should choose causes they are passionate about when partnering with organizations. Once a student finds a nonprofit, ideas for virtual fundraising can be found here.

2. Found a Virtual Book Club

Reading is one of the best ways to grow in both knowledge and character, and it’s even more impactful when done alongside friends. Students passionate about reading can start a virtual book club to engage with and learn from other readers. Find out more on starting a virtual book club here.

3. Create a Virtual Art Club, Gallery, or Shop

Students who enjoy painting, drawing, or crafting could benefit from sharing their art online. A virtual art club or gallery will allow students to engage with other artists and share their work. Additionally, aspiring student artists can sell their art on Etsy part-time. This shows entrepreneurial spirit, further develops artistic skills, and helps students save for college.

4. Share Music Online

Creating a YouTube channel or recording performances are great options for students passionate about music. This will help build their portfolio while sharing the joy of music with others. Students can even gather other musicians and host virtual concerts to benefit causes they support.

5. Take a Passion for Fitness Online

Adapting a virtual fitness routine may be helpful to students whose athletic activities have been postponed. There are countless virtual classes, from yoga to strength training. Additionally, virtual races are popping up every day. If a student enjoys running and has been itching to do a 5k or half marathon, now may be the perfect time to start training and register for a race.

6. Attend Virtual Summer Camps

As mentioned in our post on making summer plans, there are several options to attend virtual camps. There are many to choose from, including space camp, coding camp, and screenwriting camp. Camps will help boost resumes and can even narrow down potential career interests.

7. Take Online Courses

In today’s world, there is a plethora of information available at the touch of a finger. From free Ivy League online courses to subscription-based services like MasterClass, students can begin working and perfecting skills with online coursework. Taking optional courses shows a hunger for learning as well as a desire to become more well rounded.

8. Start a New Club

If none of the ideas above fit your student’s interest, then it may be time to initiate a new club or organization. Starting a club will help a student refine leadership abilities, develop organizational skills, and engage in work he or she is passionate about. This is a great way to stand out on college and scholarship applications.

If you would like additional help in preparing your student for college application season, our advisors have ample knowledge and resources to guide you through the process. You can call (646) 889-1613 or visit our advising page for more information!