Interviews are an important part of the college application process. They are one of your first (and only) chances to meet face to face with someone who has a direct impact on your admission decision. Therefore, it is imperative you do everything in your power to be prepared! Below, we’ve included the top 5 ways you can prepare for your college interview:

    This might seem obvious, but make sure to do some research about the school you are interviewing for. Look around the school’s website and see the kind of programs they offer. Then, and perhaps most importantly, come with questions for your interviewer that you wouldn’t be able to answer with just a Google search.

    Questions like: Why did you go to ___ college? What was your favorite part of going there? What makes ___ school different?

    The person you are interviewing with is likely an alum. They are excited about the school they went to, which is why they agreed to do these interviews! Demonstrate your excitement, too.

    There are a few common interview questions you can expect to be asked. It is worthwhile to think about each one and how you might answer them. Below is a short list of typical questions:
    Why do you want to attend this college?
    What do you want to study in college?
    What is your favorite subject in high school? Why?
    What are your favorite activities outside of the classroom?
    What is something interesting about you that I wouldn’t learn from your application?
    What is something you’ve failed at that you’ve learned from?

    While of course you want to be professional and show up looking your best, you also just want to be your authentic self! We understand there is a lot of pressure around the college admissions process, and it may be tempting to show a version of yourself that you think is what the interviewer wants. But remember: picking a college is about finding the best school for you – not just the best school in general. Every school is different and what is good for one student may not be good for another. That’s why it’s important to show your authentic self in your interview.

  4. RELAX!
    It may sound simple, but just relax! You are talking to a person that wants your interview to go well! They love their alma mater and want people to come to it. Don’t worry about how much time the interview has gone, or how much time is left. This person wants to get to know you, so let them! That’s why you are there.

    After your interview, make sure to send a follow up (email is fine) thanking the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Again, this is one of the few people you’ll directly interact with that affects your college admission process, so there is no reason not to say thanks and demonstrate your interest in that school!

    Need additional guidance to navigate your way through college admissions? Learn more about our College Advising services, or contact us for more information.